Dedicated to raising awareness of ALL tick borne diseases, offering support, and providing referrals for information, research, and healthcare choices.

Posts tagged ‘announcement lyme’

Lyme Disease: The Unknown Epidemic

by D. J. Fletcher and Tom Klaber

Millions of people who are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, Alzheimer’s, chronic fatigue syndrome and other degenerative diseases could have Lyme Disease causing or contributing to their condition.

Forget just about everything you think you know about Lyme disease……..

Read article in it’s entirety here:

Greetings Lyme friends!

Arklatexlyme support group is getting closer to setting a place and time to meet. We plan to have a kick-off rally in June with everyone coming together to meet in Texarkana. In the meantime, I’ve connected with another comrade. We taped a televised interview today with KLFI TV35 in Texarkana on the talk show ‘Heart to Heart’. It will air Friday, May 7 at 9:pm, then will be shown several more times.

Look for the Health Beat insert in the Texarkana Gazette soon. I gave an interview explaining my story and they plan on putting it in the next issue. Every story we tell, each bit of information we put out there will further our cause and help us to connect to others who are fighting this dreaded disease. Remember, the purpose of Arklatexlyme is to offer resources, support, and information.

If you have a friend who wishes to join us, just send them a link to the website or email us here. I know there are others in the area who were meeting before I came onto the scene. I’d very much like to hear from you guys and add you to the list.

I’m headed to Washington D.C. for Mayday Lyme support rally on May 21st. Wish me luck, as I’m going solo and plan to brave the Metro alone. I have my Lyme green attire ready and plan to document the event. Hopefully I’ll hook up with you guys when I get back.

Email me with any ideas or suggestions on where we can meet.

God bless you all and here’s to getting your health back, maintaining it, and revealing the hushed truth about Lyme disease to our community!