Dedicated to raising awareness of ALL tick borne diseases, offering support, and providing referrals for information, research, and healthcare choices.

Archive for April, 2013

Arklatex Lyme Awareness Event: An Extension of the Worldwide Lyme Disease Protest, May11th.

Join the Worldwide Lyme Disease Awareness campaign.

Join the Worldwide Lyme Disease Awareness campaign.

Imagine, thousands of people across continents, sharing one event, in a unified effort to bring world-wide attention to an epidemic; a disease that’s been denied, ignored, and misdiagnosed by the very health care clinicians we rely on for help.


It’s alive and well on planet earth.

10:00am until 2:00pm

Spring Lake Park, Texarkana, TX. (exact area of park to be determined).

Will you join us on this date for a time of reflection and an opportunity to share our knowledge about the dangers of Lyme disease with others? Be sure to wear Lyme green and bring a food and beverage, as well as handouts. Contact us by commenting if you are interested in joining us.